- Graduate Programmes at Doctoral and Master level, many in collaboration with other academic institutions throughout the world.
- Specialist Research within the areas of Damage Mechanics, Environmental Modelling and Fluid Mechanics, Industrial Research and Information Communications Technology.
- International Conference Programme which is constantly expanding in both size and scope. This has brought international renown to the Institute.
- Publishing Arm: The Institute has a publishing arm which produces numerous scientific books, monographs and edited works as well as the proceedings from the Institute's conference programme. Activities have been expanded to include the publication of papers as well as other material in electronic format, much of which is available through the WIT eLibrary.
- Software Services: The software arm of the Institute serves as a support to industry and continues to develop and maintain the Boundary Element Analysis System, which was originated by the Director of Wessex Institute, Prof Carlos Brebbia. The company provides a valuable service to major industries such as aerospace, automotive, mechanical, offshore and naval, as well as specialized applications in fields such as biomedicine, electromagnetics and fracture mechanics.
- The American Office is based in Boston, Massachusetts, and supports and promotes the use of boundary elements in industry as well as selling the publications produced by WIT Press.