Energy Production and Management 2022
5th International Conference on Energy Production and Management
23–25 May 2022
Energy Production and Management 2022 was originally scheduled to take place in Tallinn, Estonia. Due, however, to the risks arising from the current adverse circumstances, the Wessex Institute (WIT), the conference organisers, decided that it should take place as an online event instead. This would preserve our delegates’ wellbeing while, at the same time, would provide the scientific community with the opportunity of promoting and disseminating their research.
This series of successful conferences first started in Ekaterinburg in 2014. Further meetings followed in Ancona in 2016 and in the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute, in 2018. In 2020, the conference was also held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s conference was chaired by Professor Elena Magaril from the Ural Federal University and Dr Stavros Syngellakis, a member of WIT’s Board of Directors.
The aim of this series of meetings is to provide a forum for discussion of the future of energy production, operation and management in a changing world.
The objective is to compare conventional energy sources, particularly hydrocarbons, with a number of other ways of producing energy, emphasising new developments in energy management and technology, involving renewable resources such as solar, hydro, wind and geothermal. A key issue is the conversion of new sustainable sources of energy into useful forms (electricity, heat, fuel), while finding efficient ways of storage and distribution. In many cases, the challenges lie as much with the production of such renewable energy at an acceptable cost, including damage to the environment, as with the integration of those resources into the existing infrastructure. Another objective is to improve efficiency in consumption of energy, whether conventional or renewable, as another means of achieving society’s sustainability goals. The changes required to progress from an economy based mainly on hydrocarbons to one taking advantage of sustainable energy resources are massive and require considerable scientific research as well as the development of advanced engineering systems.
All published papers from previous meetings are permanently archived in the Wessex Institute eLibrary ( ( where they are freely available to the international community.
Opening of the Conference
The conference was opened by Dr Stavros Syngellakis, Wessex Institute who welcomed the delegates to the event on behalf of all Chairs.
Invited Speakers
- “Adoption of technology platforms in the electric power industry: new opportunities”
by L. D. Gitelman & M. V. Kozhevnikov, Ural Federal University, Russia - “Machine learning approach for predictive maintenance in advanced building management system”
by S. Agostinelli & F. Cumo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Conference Sessions
The papers presented during the conference were classified under the following headings:
- Energy management and economics
- Energy and sustainability
- Energy and the built environment
- Energy resources
Q&A Live Zoom Sessions
Conference delegates were invited to participate in a Q&A live session which took place on Tuesday 25 May. These friendly and well attended sessions were a great opportunity for participants to interact with each other and ask questions to authors about their papers.
Conference Publication
Papers presented at this conference are published in Vol 255 of the WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (ISSN: 1743-3541). Papers presented at the meeting are available Open Access in the eLibrary of the Wessex Institute ( from where they can be freely downloaded by any interested parties.
Closing of the Conference
We are very sorry that we were not able to meet our delegates in person this time, but hope that we are able to do so at a future event.