A Method for Controlling Interaction of Processes in Information Systems

iuliia_viva2.JPGIuliia Moroz graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE), Ukraine and has recently passed her MPhil viva at WIT with a thesis on “A method for controlling interaction of processes in information systems”. The external examiner was Dr Chris Johnson from the University of Plymouth and the internal was Dr Viktor Popov.

Her thesis is devoted to searching and resolving deadlocks in complex information systems. As a result of investigation a method for deadlock searching, resolving and verifying the solution correctness is proposed. The method consists of two parts. The first part searches deadlocks at the design stage. At this stage deadlock resolving can change the structure of the initial model and its functionality. To prevent this situation the method proposes verifying equivalence of the initial and new system models with help of formal tools of Process Algebra. The second part describes an algorithm for deadlock searching and resolving at the stage of executing. The main point of this part is avoidance of aborting critical processes.

Generally, the proposed method can be used to prevent deadlocks during system design or to resolve deadlocks at the execution stage.

As a result of her research, both examiners recommended that Iuliia be awarded the degree of Master of Philosophy.

Grateful acknowledgement is given to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for their support.
