Contact and Surface 2015
12th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Surface and Contact Mechanics including Tribology
21 - 23 April 2015
Valéncia, Spain
The 12th International conference on Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics, was held in Valencia, Spain, organised by the University of Groningen, represented by Prof Jeff De Hosson; the University of Bournemouth, represented by Prof Mark Hadfield; and the Wessex Institute , represented by Prof Carlos A Brebbia.
The success of the conference rests in the continuous demand from industry and society in general for a better knowledge of surface treatment and contact mechanics, and in service behaviour of components subject to contact conditions. Society needs engineering systems that are capable of operating conditions in order to use resources efficiently. This requires understanding of advanced surface engineering that enables new technological and analytical opportunities. In terms of component durability, the understanding of wear, frictional and lubrication dynamics has never been so important.
Current research focusses on searching for surface modification techniques which can increase the wear and corrosion resistance of materials. There exists an almost bewildering choice of surface treatments covering a wide range of thicknesses. Wear resistant is a system property, since the material of the component acts against some other medium. Its relation to its environment - eg lubrication, speed of sliding rotation – determining its tribological performance. The characteristics of the system reveal which surface engineering methods should be chosen and, as a consequence, it is essential to study the combination of surface treatment and contact mechanics.
Opening of the Conference
The conference was opened by Jeff De Hosson who described its long and distinguished history since it started in Southampton in 1993. He referred to the topics to be discussed and the importance of contact and surface in industry and society in general. Jeff mentioned that all papers are published by Wessex Institute Press – WIT Press - and permanently displayed in its website.
Following these remarks, Carlos A Brebbia described the work at Wessex Institute and the importance of the conference programme in terms of service to the community, as well as resulting in new ideas. The conference also fills an important role in bringing scientists together and developing new lines of joint research and collaboration. Carlos then referred to the research and development carried out in the New Forest campus of the Wessex Institute. The Institute’s computer programmes have gained credibility with industry, including energy and aerospace. These programmes, based on the Boundary Element Method, are the trademark of Wessex Institute since they were started by the group at Southampton University where the method originated.
Carlos ended by stressing the importance of WIT Press, the publishing arm of the Institute, which now provides a substantial volume of books per year. In addition, the Institute is launching a series of new Journals, which add to the already existing series. The new Journals deal with topics not covered by other publications. The next to be launched is on topics of Energy Production and Management, to be followed by another on Transport Integration and a further one on Heritage Architecture.
Carlos ended by reminding the presenters of the possibility of extending their paper for submission to the International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. The publication is closely associated with the conference.
Invited Presentations
“Fundamentals and applications of aqueous lubrication mechanism” by Deepak Veeregowda, Ducom Industries and University of Gronigen, the Netherlands.
“Evaluation of interfaces adhesion of hot-dipped zinc coating on TRIP steel with tensile testing and finite element calculation”, by Jess De Hosson and Yutao Pei, University of Gronigen, the Netherlands.
“Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coatings on Mg-alloys for improved wear and corrosion resistance”, by Derek Northwood, University of Windsor, Canada.
“The influence of processing speed on the properties of laser surface deposits”, by Vaclav Ocelik, University of Gronigen, the Netherlands.
Conference Topics
A substantial number of presentations were classified under the following topics:
- Experimental and measurement tests
- Surface modification
- Surface problems in contact mechanics
- Thick and thin coatings
- Tribomechanics
- Computer simulation
Conference Dinner
The International Scientific Advisory Committee met over dinner to discuss ways in which the conference can be enhanced when it is reconvened in 2017. Several locations were also put forward, as well as new members of the Committee. WIT Conference Division will research a suitable venue.
The conference banquet took place in the unusual setting of the restaurant located under the city Aquarium, where the walls were tanks displaying shoals of fish. The excellent dinner, consisting of different courses with good local wines, helped to create a convivial atmosphere for the participants. The short walk from the conference location to the restaurant allowed them to appreciate some of the works of Calatrava, including his Palace of Arts, the Museum of Sciences and the Agora, as seen from the bridge built by Calatrava over the old bed of the Turia River. The Aquarium building in the Oceanographic Centre, as well as its companion structure where the restaurant was located, is the work of the renowned Mexican engineer, Felix Candela, and consists of two very attractive hyperbolic paraboloids. The banquet was most successful.
Closing of the Conference
The conference was closed by Carlos who thanked the delegates for their support of the Wessex Institute activities. He hoped that they will consider other initiatives of WIT and visit the New Forest Campus when the occasion arises.
Conference Proceedings
The proceedings of Contact and Surface 2015 – Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics including Tribology XII, 280pp (Print ISBN: 978-1-84564-950-0; eISBN: 978-1-84564-951-7) are available from WIT Press. Orders can be placed on the WIT Press web site at or by email:
Papers from the conference will also be hosted online at the WIT eLibrary as Volume 91 of WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ISSN: 1746-4471, Digital ISSN 1743-3533). For more details visit the WIT eLibrary at
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