Maritime Transport 2019
International Conference on Maritime Transport 2019
10 - 12 September 2019
Rome, Italy
The 1st International Conference on Maritime Transport took place in Rome, Italy. The Conference was organised by the Wessex Institute, UK, represented by Professor Giorgio Passerini, and the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy, represented by Professor Stefano Ricci. The conference aimed to attract a wide international spread of delegates. The variety of topics covered by the conference reflects the complex interaction of maritime transport while considering economic constraints and the effects on the community.
Opening of the Conference
The conference was opened by Giorgio Passerini who welcomed the delegates to the conference, before paying tribute to the founder of the Wessex Institute, the late Prof Carlos A Brebbia. Professor Giorgio Passerini then mentioned that the main object of WIT is the dissemination of knowledge, with particular emphasis on science and engineering. Another way in which this is achieved is by the publication of papers from conferences and Journals, through its publishing arm, WIT Press. Stefano Ricci of the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ gave a presentation welcoming the delegates to the University.
Invited Presentations
There were a series of invited lectures on advanced topics of research and applications, as follows:
- “Optimization approach to guidance and control of marine vehicles”, by Evgeny Veremey, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
- “Cultivating a friendly attitude: The master program of “One Belt One Road”, think-tank for international students, at Harbin Institute of Technology”, by Wim Ravesteijn, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
- “Improvement of terminals workability placed along the inner side of port vertical breakwaters by means of recurved parapet walls”, by Paolo De Girolamo, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy.
- “Using solar splash competition to train the new generation of maritime engineers for solar power use” by Peter Vorobieff, University of New Mexico, USA
- “Ports structural and operational benchmark: methodology and application to Mediterranean basin” by Stefano Ricci, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy
- “Air pollution in the Ancona harbour”, by Giorgio Passerini, Wessex Institute, UK
- “Just-In-Time rail shuttle service feasibility study at the port of Valencia” by Salvador Furio Prunonosa, The Valenciaport Foundation, Spain
- “Integrated observing system supporting Civitavecchia port development” by Giuseppe Zappala, National Research Council, Italy
Conference Sessions
There were two special sessions at the conference, as follows:
- Session 1 chaired by Evgeny Veremey on routing and automatic control of marine ships
- Session 2 chaired by Wim Ravesteijn on responsible and sustainable port innovation and development along the 21st century maritime silk road
There were numerous occasions for holding informal discussions during the coffee breaks and the complimentary lunches provided.
Conference Publication
Papers presented at this conference will appear in Vol. 187 of the WIT Transactions on The Built Environment (ISSN 1743-3509). Papers presented at the meeting will be available Open Access in the eLibrary of the Wessex Institute ( from where they can be freely downloaded by any interested parties.
A few papers were selected for publication in the International Journal of Transport Development and Planning. This Journal covers the subjects of transport strategies, urban transport planning and management, port and city, ship and port operations and many others.
ISAC Meeting
The meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) of the Conference took place following the first day of conference sessions. At the meeting, members of the committee were encouraged to inform WIT of any suggestions for new topics to the conference and also discussed the evolution of the conference.
Conference Dinner
The Conference dinner took place at Al Boschetto Restaurant, where the participants could enjoy local dishes, including a fresh pasta, a selection of Roman meats and Tiramisu. The evening was particularly appreciated by the participants.
Closing of the Conference
The conference was closed on Thursday 12th September. Professor Giorgio Passerini thanked the delegates for attending and hoped that they would consider attending the next conference in the series which is due to be reconvened in 2021.
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