Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures


The meeting discussed recent advances in research and engineering practice in topics related to the seismic response of structures. The field of earthquake engineering has seen continuous activities during the last few years. The main advances have been in the seismic resistant design of students and in the upgrading and rehabilitation of existing built environments. Some of these new developments are reflected in original types of design as well as in the recent improvements in many seismic codes around the world.
The conference discussed the state of the art in structures subjected to earthquakes, including geological aspects, problems related to retrofitting, base isolation and energy dissipation systems, plus a range of application and case studies.
The conference series began in Thessaloniki, Greece (1996); followed by Catania in Italy (1999); Malaga, Spain (2001); Ancona, Italy (2003); Skiathos, Greece (2005); and Bologna, Italy (2007). The resulting conference proceedings have been published by WIT Press since 1996 to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between scientists, researchers and practitioners. All the papers are also available in the Transactions of the Wessex Institute eLibrary which is the permanent online archive for the papers presented at the ERES International Conferences (
Conference Sessions
The conference papers were divided into the following topics:Seismic behaviour and vulnerability
- Numerical simulation
- Earthquake resistant design
- Structural dynamics
- Earthquake resistant design
- Development and application of passive anti-seismic systems
- Bridges
- Seismic isolation
- Material characterisation
- Lifelines
- Experimental studies
Invited Presentations
A number of invited presentations enhanced the meeting. They were:- “Seismic Analysis of the Ignalina NPP downcomers pipes” by G Dundulis, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania
- “Kinematic interaction of a single pile in heterogeneous soil” by M Maugeri, University of Catania, Italy
- “Progress of the application of passive anti-seismic systems” by A Martelli, ENEA, Italy
- “Shear deformation effect in the dynamic analysis of plates stiffened by parallel beams” by EJ Sapountzakis, National University of Athens, Greece
- “Multi-storey structures with compound seismic isolation” by MC Phocas, University of Cyprus
- “On the dynamic response of hardening systems” by O Sircovich, Consulting Engineer, Israel
- “Evaluation method for behaviour of pipelines during earthquakes” by K Fuchida, Yatsushiro College of Technology, Japan
- “Lifeline seismic hazards: a GIS application” by E Raciti, University of Catania, Italy.
Technical and Social Events
There were many occasions for interaction during the social events planned during the conference, including cocktails, technical and cultural visits, the conference banquet, and others. The conference was characterised by its friendly atmosphere and the many contacts made by the delegates. Cocktails were arranged at the end of the first day of the meeting to introduce the delegates to each other in an informal environment.
One important event was the technical and cultural visit that took place at the end of the conference. It consisted of a visit to a commercial centre in the vicinity of the city of Nicosia where two buildings were erected on isolated bases. The visits were guided by the architects and engineers in charge of the project. Afterwards the delegates had a guided tour of the old city and visited the Archaeological Museum, then returned to their hotel just in time for the conference dinner.
The dinner took place in a typical Taverna in the old city of Limassol. The restaurant is located in an ancient building which has been nicely restored. The excellent cuisine and good local wines contributed to the success of the social occasion. The University of Cyprus’ folklore dance group performed during dinner and afterwards a string group played typical pieces. A few delegates were brave enough to attempt dancing under the tutoring of the Cypriot and Greek participants. It was a very friendly occasion for strengthening contacts and getting to know one another.
International Scientific Advisory Committee
A special meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) took place over dinner to discuss ways in which the meeting could be improved and the range of topics was updated. Different suggestions were discussed, including the location of the 8th International Conference in 2011. The dates and location of this meeting will be announced shortly.Publication of Papers
The proceedings of Earthquake Resistant Structures VII, 512pp (Print ISBN: 1-84564-180-1; On-line ISBN: 978-1-84564-357-7; Print ISSN: 1746-4498) are available from WIT Press priced at £195/US$348/€248. Orders can be placed by telephone: +44 (0) 238 029 3223, fax: +44 (0) 238 029 2853, e-mail:
Papers from the conference will also be hosted online at the WIT eLibrary as Volume 104 of WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (ISSN: 1743-3509). For more details visit the WIT eLibrary at