Urban Transport 2020
26th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment
8–10 September 2020
With the main objective to preserve our delegates’ wellbeing, but also with the belief that the scientific community should not be stopped, WIT decided that Urban Transport 2020 should not take place as scheduled in Bilbao, Spain, but take place as an online event instead.
The conference was organised by the Wessex Institute, UK, represented by Dr Stavros Syngellakis.
The conference, which started in Southampton, UK in 1995 is well established and always attracts a wide international spread of delegates. The variety of topics covered by the conference reflects the complex interaction of the urban transport systems with their environment and the need to establish integrated strategies.
Opening of the Conference
The conference programme opened with a presentation of the Wessex Institute followed by an opening address of the Urban Transport Conference Series welcoming delegates to this year’s event.
Invited Presentations
There were a series of invited lectures on advanced topics of research and applications, as follows:
- “Characteristics of shared mobility in Bangalore”, by Mrs Gargi Ghosh, Sky Group, India
- “Urban mobility and public spaces quality: The case of Granada, Spain” by Dr Alejandro Grindlay, University of Granada, Spain
- “Convenience of running-gear health monitoring systems to reduce unavailability in
metropolitan railways” by Dr Riccardo Licciardello, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy
Conference Sessions
The papers presented during the conference were classified under the following headings:
- Urban transport Planning, control, management and land use
- Public transport systems, policies and governance
- Mobility and public space
- Railway systems
- Advances in transport technology
- Economic, social and environmental impact
- Safety and security in transportation
- Transport modelling and simulation
- Accessible and inclusive transport
Conference Publication
Papers presented at this conference are published in Vol. 200 of the WIT Transactions on the Built Environment (ISSN 1743-3509). Papers presented at the meeting are available Open Access in the eLibrary of the Wessex Institute (https://www.witpress.com/elibrary) from where they can be freely downloaded by any interested parties.
A few papers were selected for publication in the International Journal of Transport Development and Integration. This Journal covers the subjects of all transportation modes and the general topic of transport systems, with particular emphasis on their integration and harmonisation
Closing of the Conference
We are very sorry that we were not able to meet our delegates in person this year.
WIT is aware that one of the benefits of the conferences is the networking among colleagues and the only reason for implementing this strategy is the exceptional circumstances created by the covid-19 crisis. Thus, to allow the authors to maintain that capability, delegates registered at Urban Transport 2020 who had their paper accepted for publication, will be able to attend the next conference in the series (or a different conference of their choice devoted to similar topics that takes place prior to that) free of charge, and if they wish, make an oral presentation of their published paper.
We would like to thank the delegates for participating in the event and look forward to meeting them at the next conference in the series.
Related Conferences
Urban and Maritime Transport 2021, 16–18 June 2021
Air Pollution 2021, 7–9 September 2021
Sustainable City 2021, 5–7 October 2021