The subject of this research was the modelling of electronic lecturing in learning management systems. The purpose of the work was to develop a software tool applicable for casting positive aspects of traditional forms of learning into the distance education process. The main aim of the study was to analyze thoroughly the present-day theories, methodologies, methods and technologies of distance education and to develop the data modelling techniques based on ontology and semantic approaches, applicable in solving the real e-learning tasks and challenges.
The problems discussed in the research were investigated and the main aims achieved. The MOODLE based software tool developed as a part of the research can be considered to be a proof of the study findings. The results of the research can be used for further research and development of the learning and lecturing environments as well as the whole distance education communities.
As a result of the viva and based on the research carried out, both examiners recommended that Andrii be awarded the degree of Master of Philosophy.
Grateful acknowledgement is given to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for their support.