Dr Alessandro Zanasi, Adjunct Professor at WIT visited Prague to present a one-day Workshop on Text Mining: Tutorial and Latest Trends in Applied Research.
Lectures were presented on the following topics:
- The Market Need
- Text Mining Basic Techniques:
- Extraction
- Clustering
- Categorization
- Applications
- Intelligence and Security
- Knowledge Management
- Real Business Cases from:
- Government
- Industry
- Telco
- Pharmaceutical
- Oil and Energy
- Market Analysis
- Market Size
- Key Players in USA, Europe and Asia Funding Opportunities from the European Commission: ESRAB/ESRP
While the amount of data available to us through the Web and the Intranets is increasing, our capacity for reading and analyzing this information remains constant. Search engines, instead of reducing the problem, augment it by making more and more documents quickly available to us.
Text mining is a new research area that solves the information overload problem by exploiting recent advances in different fields of technology, allowing the automatic extraction of important elements and facts as they appear in huge volumes of unstructured text. Documents and web pages, as emails and chatlines, are a source of knowledge in an unstructured data format that can be decodified, analyzed and turned into actionable intelligence thanks to online analysis by text mining
In the workshop (directed to researchers who wished to obtain information about the real market needs, and to practitioners who wished to be updated on the current research results), examples of real and operative application to open sources and virtual communities analysis, customer relationship management (CRM) and competitive intelligence (CI) were given. The final objective of the workshop was to give participants hands on knowledge of what text mining is, its techniques, its more successful applications and its recent trends in research.
Dr Zanasi is a leading authority in the areas of Text Mining, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Intelligence (BI) with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. Prior to co-founding TEMIS, Dr Zanasi held various consulting and market intelligence roles at IBM, including IBM's Research Centers in France and in San Jose (USA). In addition, he also worked at Rome’s Carabinieri Scientific Investigations Center and as META Group analyst in BI and CRM areas. Dr Zanasi is European Commission’s reviewer of proposals and projects presented to Directorate General for Information, Professor at Modena University, frequent speaker, scientific committee member, chairman of international conferences and ESRAB-European Security Research Advisory member. Dr Zanasi graduated from Bologna University with a degree in Nuclear Engineering, and received associate degrees in Business Administration (Modena University) and Financial Engineering (Paris University).
Author of several publications on IT subjects, among them the books:
- Text Mining and its Applications to Intelligence, CRM and Knowledge Management (2005 WIT Press)
- Text Mining and its Applications (2004, WIT Press)
- Discovering Data Mining (1998, Prentice Hall)