Dr Paolo Zannetti from The EnviroComp Institute in the USA recently presented an online course over three half days to a group of eight participants from Malta and South Africa. The course was particularly designed for managers and scientists with limited experience in air pollution modelling. All aspects of air pollution were discussed: emissions, atmospheric processes, chemical concentration and deposition impacts, and adverse effects on humans and the environment. Then, in relatively simple terms, attention was given to the available mathematical and numerical methods used to simulate, understand, and predict air pollution phenomena. Finally, the available software tools for simulating air quality matters were presented, including the simulation of meteorological parameters needed for air quality analyses. Participants learnt about all the major topics and challenges related to air pollution at short, intermediate, and continental scales. Participants also learnt about the availability and proper use of air pollution software and, in particular, the modelling tools recommended by regulatory agencies in North America and Europe. The advantages and limitations of models were also discussed.
Course Sessions
The course consisted of six sessions (over three half days):
- Atmospheric Processes
- Air Pollutants
- Emission of Air Pollutants
- Mathematical/Numerical Modelling of Air Pollution Phenomena
- Available/Recommended Software
- Case Studies
Dr Paolo Zannetti has performed studies and scientific research in environmental sciences for four decades. His activities have covered pure research in the fields of atmospheric sciences and numerical modelling, written publications, seminars and courses, project management, environmental consulting, editorial productions, and expert testimony. His major field of investigation and competence is air pollution. He has written more than 300 publications, and 40+ books and book chapters, including the book “Air Pollution Modeling”, completed in 1990, which was the first comprehensive book in the field and is still today a widely used textbook.
For further information and details of the next event please contact:
Jane Chantler
Wessex Institute
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton, SO40 7AA
Tel: 44 (0) 238 029 3223
Fax: 44 (0) 238 029 2853
Air Pollution 2021 Screenshot